Author-illustrator Matt Tavares visited Moharimet and Mast Way elementary schools on February 14 and 16, 2024. Students of all grade levels were invited to a lively presentation on the joys and challenges of storytelling and publishing.
Tavares shared photos of his office space and explained how he creates engaging digital artwork. The New York Times bestselling author also shared how books inspired his most popular work and the importance of research, feedback, and patience.
During the presentation students learned about the difference between fiction and nonfiction, picture books, chapter books, and graphic novels.
The presentation was followed by a drawing demonstration and questions from the students.
Tavares visited Moharimet School on February 14, 2024.
Tavares presented an engaging presentation, much appreciated by both students and staff.
Presentations at Mast Way and Moharimet's were followed by a Q&A and a live drawing session.