Breakfast & Lunch Menus

Breakfast Menu: All Schools

March 2025 Lunch Menus

April 2025 Lunch Menus:

Breakfast Prices for 2024-2025

  • Grades K-8: $1.50
  • Grades 9-12: $1.75
  • Adult: $2.50

Lunch Prices for 2024-2025

  • K-5: $3.00 
  • Grades 6-8: $3.25 
  • Grades 9-12: $3.50 
  • Adult: $4.75

Families who qualify for reduced meals will get one FREE breakfast and one free lunch daily this year!

Free breakfast is thanks to the governor's signing of NH Senate Bill 82 to cover the $0.30 charge, and free lunch is thanks to the school board vote to let the district cover the $0.40 charge.

Student Meal Accounts and Balance Statements

The district will work proactively with families to mainatin a positive account balance. Parents and guardians are notified of low account balances by LINQConnect. The Child Nutrition Director has also established a procedure at each school requiring that a low balance statement be sent to parents whenever the balance in a student's meal account falls to or below a set amount that approximates the amount typically necessary to pay for one week of meals. The District encourages parents to monitor the student’s use of the meal account to ensure that a sufficient balance is available at all times for their student to charge meals. ORCSD is unable to make cafeteria snack items available to students whose account has a negative balance.

For additional information, please review ORCSD School Board policy EFAA:Payment for School Meals.

Free and Reduced Meals Applications

You can apply quickly and easily at This is helpful for funding other programs as well as scholarships for other fees if you qualify. For instance, our Oyster River Care program's enrollment fees are waived for students who qualify for Free and Reduced Meals. For additional information on the program, please visit our Free and Reduced Meals webpage.

Oyster River families can also receive free groceries by completing our End 68 Hours Sign-up Form (no income qualification for this service).

Are you new to Oyster River?

Please visit our Child Nutrition page for aditional details about school meals, payments, menus, prescription meals and more!

Why Every Parent Should Create a LINQ Account (previously known as Titan Family Portal)

  1. You can monitor your child's purchases and account balance.
  2. You can make payments as needed, even set up automatic payments so you don't forget.
  3. You can create preferences for your child and limit their spending.
  4. MS & HS students are not allowed to charge - make sure they always have funds on hand for the things they need.
  5. You can file a CONFIDENTIAL free and reduced application. You may qualify and not know it. 
  6. Coming soon! You can purchase ORCSD Care to insure when your child drops that laptop or iPad it won't break the bank to get it fixed. 

If your child has a food allergy, please download and print out this form, have your child's medical provider fill it out, and return it to the school nurse at your child's school. Special Dietary Medical Statement

Would you like to join our team? We are looking for happy, energetic people to work in our kitchens. Call or email Child Nutrition Director Maredith St Onge at 603-389-3310 or send an email.

Maredith St Onge

Director of Child Nutrition

Menu Changes and Substitutions

The nation-wide supply chain issues due to difficulty in the sourcing of raw product, manufacturing due to labor shortages, and lack of delivery drivers may occasionally require us to alter menus with little or no notice. While there have been just a few times this has happened to date, some products are becoming increasingly less available. We will make menu substitutions based on the products we are able to receive. Menu changes may vary by school based on product availability from distributors and/or what is on hand at each location. We promise to provide a meal that your children will enjoy, and we will continue to meet or exceed all USDA requirements. Thank you for understanding and & for your support of our program.