ORMS Celebrates Service Palooza 2024

Oyster River Middle School students are pictured giving Durham police officers cards after washing their vehicles.

6th grade students gave handmade cards to Durham police officers after washing their vehicles.

On Friday, May 17, Oyster River Middle School students and staff of all grade levels took part in Service Palooza.

Service Palooza is an annual tradition and an opportunity for students and staff to give back to the community.

Many activities took place throughout the day at the middle school and in the community. Town of Durham police officers got their cars washed, the Town of Lee received help at the fire station, middle school students visited Moharimet and Mast Way to read to elementary students, and landscaping projects were completed at the Oyster River Middle School and in the community.

Oyster River Middle School students are pictured with Town of Durham police officers in front of the middle school.

Oyster River Middle School students helped the Town of Durham police department by washing their vehicles.

Oyster River Middle School students and staff are pictured washing police vehicles and a school bus.

Students and staff operated a car wash for police vehicles and school buses.

Oyster River Middle School students are pictured tending to landscaping projects.

Landscaping and grounds maintenance projects were completed in the community.

Oyster River Middle School Principal Sullivan is seen riding a small tractor on his way to assist students and staff.

Principal Sullivan took part in Service Palooza and supported both students and staff throughout the day.