Bid Proposal Request

There is 1 open bid at this time.

Last updated: 02/21/2025 at 11:01 a.m.

Request for Qualifications

Energy Services Company


The Oyster River Cooperative School District (ORCSD) is seeking proposals for an Energy Services Company partnership to be accepted until 12:00 noon EST on Wednesday March 12, 2025. The bids will be opened publicly and read aloud at that time.

Proposals shall be submitted to the Business Administrator, Ms. Amy Ransom, Oyster River Cooperative School District 36 Coe Drive Durham, NH 03824. Proposals must be submitted in sealed envelopes plainly marked Proposal for Energy Services Company – Oyster River Cooperative School District. Failure to properly mark the envelope may result in disqualification of the submittal.

Specifications may be obtained at no cost from the Business Administrator’s Office or by clicking on the documents below.

The Oyster River Cooperative School District (ORCSD) seeks to work with suppliers and service providers that offer products and services to improve the health of our students and faculty, and our environment without sacrificing quality.

These criteria include products that contain recycled materials, are more recyclable, are less toxic or more biodegradable, have less packaging, cost less to transport, perform better, are more durable or use less energy, or consume fewer natural resources over their useful life. We prefer to work with vendors and suppliers who can address their environmental/sustainability practices, offer take-back programs; including shipping materials and that all waste is disposed of responsibly.

We seek products and services that help us reduce, reuse and recycle, while lessening our ecological footprint.

When possible, we prefer to work with local vendors and suppliers in order to keep our purchases invested in the local community. We are committed to sustainability in terms of; renewability, substitution, adaptability, interdependence and institutional commitment in the areas of food, energy, transportation, school curriculum and community outreach.

If you have questions, please contact our business administrator by phone (603) 868-5100 ext. 2003 or at the email address below.

Amy Ransom

Business Administrator