End 68 Hours of Hunger Food Drive

A graphic image including a yellow ORCSD school bus with the caption: End 68 Hours of Hunger Food Drive December 12, 13, and 14

Dear Oyster River Families,

Food and money donations benefitting End 68 Hours of Hunger will be collected by the ORCSD Transportation team December 12, 13 and 14 at the Oyster River Middle School before the winter concerts listed below.  

If you can help during this holiday season, please consider making a food or money donation that will support Oyster River families. This program has no income qualification, and its purpose is to send home a supply of food every Friday to local families in need. 

A friendly ORCSD driver will be accepting donations onboard the school bus parked near the entrance before the concerts.

To view a list of items needed, you may click here. No glass containers and no “family” size items please. 

  • December 12: High School Orchestra Concert 
    • Collection before the concert between 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. 
  • December 13: Mast Way School Winter Concert 
    • Collection before the concert between 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. 
  • December 14: Middle School Band Concert 
    • Collection before the concert between 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. 

Donations can also be dropped off or mailed year-round to the ORCSD SAU Office at 33 Coe Dr, Durham, NH 03824. Checks should be payable to: End 68 Oyster River. Additional information can be requested by contacting the District Coordinator Doris Demers at OysterRiver@End68HoursofHunger.org.

The food drive poster may be viewed here.


Dr. James Morse 
