End 68 Hours of Hunger Summer Information

A graphic with the caption: End 68 Hours of Hunger

Did you know End 68 Hours of Hunger helps ORCSD families throughout the summer?

The program offers free groceries and does not require families to provide financial information. This summer, ORCSD families will receive home deliveries.

If you need assistance for your ORCSD student(s), please contact Program Coordinator Doris Demers at OysterRiver@End68HoursOfHunger.org.

You may also find additional information here.

End 68 Hours of Hunger is a program entirely supported by community members' generous donations. If you are able and interested in making a monetary donation, please make checks payable to: ORCSD End 68 Hours of Hunger.

Checks may be mailed to: c/o Doris Demers, 33 Coe Drive, Durham, NH 03824.

Click here to learn how Oyster River Middle School raised $3,067 for the nonprofit in May 2024.