Yizhou’s 4th Grade Robotics Program

A photo of Yizhou explaining the robotics challenge to two 4th grade students.

Mast Way School’s fall 2024 robotics program was led by Yizhou Zhao, a former Mast Way student who is now in 8th grade at Oyster River Middle School (ORMS).

Yizhou is an accomplished robotics student. Last year, he and his ORMS robotics team won the Create Award in the VEX IQ 2024 VEX IQ State Competition, and a year prior he and his team competed in the 2023 VEX IQ Challenge World Championship.

Eager to share his knowledge and support Mast Way’s 4th grade students, Yizhou developed a robotics program which he led for 6 weeks in fall 2024.

"I have always been passionate about robotics and engineering," Yizhou said. "I have done VEX IQ Robotics at ORMS for three years now. The journey and experience have inspired me to start this club at Mast Way to develop fourth grade students' interest and skills in robotics and engineering."

With the help of Mast Way Digital Learning Specialist Susan Leifer, Yizhou guided the younger students on an exciting journey trying to solve the complex challenge of building a LEGO WeDo recycling truck along with a program allowing it to sort two different sizes of recyclables.

This project proved to be a fantastic opportunity for collaboration, teamwork, troubleshooting, and creativity. During the process, students were unexpectedly challenged to enhance their truck by incorporating a second LEGO WeDo kit, allowing for the addition of a second motor.

Participating students were also encouraged to independently design and build their recycling trucks while deciding how to code their creations. Students could program their robots to drive, detect obstacles, and perform various tasks.

Once the building and coding phases were completed, students were tasked with designing and drawing a course for their robots to navigate. During the program’s last session, students presented their work to family and friends and received medals.

“I am proud to celebrate how Yizhou’s passion for robotics, sparked during his time at Mast Way, was an inspiration to give back and cultivate a love for learning and innovation in younger peers”, said Ms. Leifer.

A photo of two 4th grade students drawing their robot's course.

Students were tasked with designing and drawing a course for their robot to navigate.

A photo of adults congregating around a table where students are finalizing their presentation.

During the program’s last session, students presented their work to family and friends.

A photo of Ms. Susan Leifer and Yizhou Zhao.

Yizhou Zhao pictured with Mast Way Digital Learning Specialist Susan Leifer.

Five 4th grade students are seen receiving medals given by Ms. Leifer and Yizhou.

Participating students received medals at the end of the program.