ORHS November 2024 Coffee House

A photo of a rock band playing live music during Coffee House in November 2024.

On November 8, 2024, Oyster River High School (ORHS) students, staff, family, friends, and ORCSD School Board members attended a crowded Coffee House.

The evening was filled with excitement and live art performances. Guests enjoyed refreshments while students performed, reciting poetry and playing music.

Hosted quarterly by the editorial team of Oyster River’s award-winning student publication Mouth of the River (MOR), Coffee House is a platform for students to express their creativity and highlight their multi-faceted talents.

The $5 admission fee is MOR's primary fundraising source. Food and drink are included with admission.

Make sure to mark your calendar for MOR's next Coffee House January 30, 2025, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in ORHS' Multipurpose room (55 Coe Dr, Durham, NH 03824).

A photo of a student reciting poetry during the event.

Ulysses Smith pictured sharing a poem with the audience.

A student is pictured signing in front of a live audience during Coffee house.

Gwendelyn Ickes pictured singing a song.