The week of October 23-27 was one of celebrations at the Oyster River High School. Students and staff celebrated Red Ribbon Week, the nation's largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign.
This year’s Red Ribbon Week theme is Be Kind To Your Mind. Live Drug Free™, a call to action to speak out in support of healthy choices. It also serves as a reminder that we are all empowered to shape the communities around us through positivity, bravery, and strength.
“Red Ribbon week is the longest running substance use prevention campaign in the US”, said School Alcohol and Drug Counselor Britta Bartlett. “The first step in any type of prevention is conversation and education around the topic. My hope is to utilize this campaign to bring more attention and awareness to the impacts of teen substance use.”
Over the course of Red Ribbon Week, high school students received daily motivational morning reminders, were given the opportunity to participate in a food drive to benefit End 68 Hours of Hunger, experienced spinning the resource wheel (October 26 and 27), and were invited to wear red on Friday, October 27.